Nachdem es nun schon die Tage genug Gesprächsstoff gab, so warten Silky venom und Vanguard Spheres mit Kurzinterviews auf, bei denen sie sich mit den Entwicklern von Sigil Games Online unterhalten. Neben solche Sachen, wie sie zu Sigil gekommen sind und auch warum sie in dieser Industrie ansässig wurden erfahrt ihr noch ein wenig mehr über sie wie welche ihre Lieblingsklasse sind. Interviewed werden Amanda Tarr, Lisa Boleyn und Tina Hou bei Vanguard Spheres und Sean Mailton, Josh Deep und Garret Fern bei Silky Venom.

    Q: What is it about your job you most enjoy?
    A: There’s a whole lot that I like about my job. But to trim it down, I’d have to say that I most enjoy the creative environment, the smart people, and working on something that I do in my free time anyway.

    Q: What class/race is your favorite and why?
    A: In most games, I play a healer or a healer hybrid. Part of this is because I like helping people, and the other part is that I find it generally requires a lot of attention. I also like casters, especially pet casters, because I enjoy complex gameplay. I really like using utility spells and/or a pet to help control combat because it makes it more challenging for me.

    Q: What would you most like the women, who are looking at VSoH, to realize about this game in comparison to many of the others?
    A: The two biggest things that I think players will see are the next step towards a living, breathing world as well as the resurgence of community in MMOs. We are planning on filling players’ plates with content to explore for many years, and we believe that it can be much more satisfying to see the world we are building with friends. In that regard, we’re working hard on making the group gameplay as rewarding as we can, and also providing many communication options to stay in touch.

    And of course the thing I’m personally most excited about is the depth and challenge that we’re working to achieve in our combat. It will certainly be easy to play any class with a minimal learning curve, but the mechanics that we’re introducing will allow the avid player to really showcase their playing skill by learning their class inside and out and using it in creative ways to overcome whatever challenge the mobs come up with.

Link: Interviews bei Vanguard Spheres
Link: Interviews bei Silky Venom
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